A good friend of mine moved in with me in January. We've shared a house and recent events have caused a slight ripple in our pond of friendship. Now he's moving out and moving on. It makes me sad, but we are still friends and i will miss seeing him all the time.
This does teach me something though. I am for the most part, an intolerant individual, when it comes to my territory and toes being stepped on. Not everyone i know is this way, I am surrounded by lots of people who are quite passive, and tend not to verbalize their frustrations or oppositional standpoints.
I can't do that. Everyone knows when i'm pissed off, happy, sad, interested, bored, aroused, turned off, etcetera. Unfortunately, I do wear my heart on my sleeve.
New things are in the works for us all. My future roomate is also a friend. I have a good feeling about this one.
Life. Is. Exciting.
well we are who we are...