yay. didn't get fired! not even written up! which is a good thing, i didn't deserve either. Still on the hunt though, i've been letting my brain rot away here for too long.
Today I learned how to form a new plant out of my already growing pothos, we'll see how it goes! I'm getting some cacti going in the the little garden box built into the house up front. I. Love. Plants. I still want to go to flower school. (One goal at a time though. Baby steps toward personal success seem to be what works best for me)
The only significant drama in my life is remaining pretty significant. It will work out. It always does. I'm so good at making it through shitty times.
I think i'll make a birdhouse on Sunday, i'm going to be making vegan cookies to take to Jason for my first session for my tattoo on Monday and I told him i'd bring vegan sweets! Follow through is one of those things i'm working on and not making cookies when I say I will would be failing at that; a full Sunday of fun productivity would probably make me feel about 900x better about getting the day off due to the cutting of hours.
Oh, here is the beauty that will be consuming my entire left shoulder after Monday <3

So pretty!!.. I love it! I've always wanted to get an art nouveau/art deco tat. The lines are great.
ReplyDeletePS: have you ever tried Terrariums? They are the best thing EVAR! A mini world.. I am gonna post some pictures of the ones i am working on soon. :)
I can't even tell you how in love with terrariums i am. I have yet to start one. I've collected at least five or six adorable terrarium potential glasses a a few bowls too. they are just sitting in my room, i really need to get to it. Like i said, this follow through nonsense is so hard for a lazy person like myself. But keeping plants, a boyfriend, two cats, and an amaaazingly energetic puppy alive and thriving is good right? Terrariums here i come! LEMME SEEEE SOME OF YOURS!!