Wednesday, September 15, 2010

Session One.


Four Hours under the needle and not a single tear up or uncontrollable jerking. Session two will be next month, The Shading of The Leaves, there may be some tears. HA.

Friday, September 10, 2010

Not Fired Friday.

yay. didn't get fired! not even written up! which is a good thing, i didn't deserve either. Still on the hunt though, i've been letting my brain rot away here for too long.

Today I learned how to form a new plant out of my already growing pothos, we'll see how it goes! I'm getting some cacti going in the the little garden box built into the house up front. I. Love. Plants. I still want to go to flower school. (One goal at a time though. Baby steps toward personal success seem to be what works best for me)

The only significant drama in my life is remaining pretty significant. It will work out. It always does. I'm so good at making it through shitty times.

I think i'll make a birdhouse on Sunday, i'm going to be making vegan cookies to take to Jason for my first session for my tattoo on Monday and I told him i'd bring vegan sweets! Follow through is one of those things i'm working on and not making cookies when I say I will would be failing at that; a full Sunday of fun productivity would probably make me feel about 900x better about getting the day off due to the cutting of hours.

Oh, here is the beauty that will be consuming my entire left shoulder after Monday <3

Wednesday, September 8, 2010

So i'm going to lose my job on Friday, or so thats what i'm pulling from the statement"you me and ben are going to have a little chat on Friday when you get in, it will be regarding some things i'm concerned about with you". New GM means newness. apparently i'm not as adaptive as I think I am. But really, his GO!CORPORATE! attitude just pulls at every single hate nerve in my body. I do my job well, i hate it, but I do it well god damnit. I planned on going yesterday to apply everywhere I could think of but I have no printer and no money. what happens then?! not printing my resume thats for sure. This is awful. Hopefully I can find a job in the next 48 hours and quit before i'm most likely fired. fuck fuck fuck.

my relationship and job falling apart in the saaaame month. who would thunk it. Ha. I have already learned that lesson about everything happening for a reason though. So while i try not kill myself, i'll do some things to make my life better over the next few months. GAHHH .

this weeks goal: aim to not be so melodramatic & find.a.job.

Friday, September 3, 2010


Sometimes bad 80's song on the radio can actually capture and put into great view how you are feeling. This should tell us that everything is important to everyone if it is important to someone.

I really don't know what i'm supposed to do with myself, i'm TERRIBLE at being alone. I like to cuddle and I like the nightly shoulder rubs and I will miss being woken up with temple kisses on hungover mornings and on regular mornings. Separating from a person that you truly expected to be with for all of the lively, fun, and completely difficult time that is your early life(!) and then on, well it just fucking sucks. I'm not going to pretend that i'm in love with this new found "freedom" or that i'm happy to be rid of my relationship and its "problems"!! I loved the shit out this person and it sucks and I hate it. That and that i'm going to have to actually make some real changes, maybe actually start doing things that are constantly on my brain. <- that is the only exciting part--in order to avoid throwing myself into a total reclusive, depressed, self-pitying state of ME--i'll have to force myself to create again, to force myself to love me for the things I am capable of.

I will do this. I am destined for greatness, personal success and GREATNESS! I just need to remind myself that everyday or any time I feel like dying would be the only thing to stop all this feeling.

Thursday, September 2, 2010

Thursday and the view from the west.

The area I am now living in is awful. JUST AWFUL.

I've written out this whole chart that I'll hang on my wall when I get home tonight. The chart is everything I want to do between now and this years end! They are all very simple goals to achieve. Very simple. Some monetary, some creative. I will be focusing on me, my relationships with the ones who really matter, and my attitude toward the ones who don't. The follow through of these aspirations should land me back in school by spring semester and back on the desirable side of downtown by my next birthday. Fingers are crossed and self discipline-is-a-runnin!

Sometimes my brain pulls me into a terrible state that I'm not too sure how to manage; those are the times I hate myself for not knowing how manage.